Luxor accessories – the optimal additions for greater process reliability in dental laboratories

With Luxor Z True Nature, Dental Concept Systems (DCS) is offering the first zirconium dioxide that combines infinitely variable gradients in colour, translucency and strength. With the Luxor SinterSAFE sintered beads, the Luxor FurnaceFRESH cleaning powder and the Luxor ThermoTRACKER PTCR rings, bredent provides the perfect complementary materials for greater process reliability and thus greater cost efficiency in dental laboratories.
Luxor SinterSAFE
Before sintering, the milled restorations are embedded into the Luxor SinterSAFE sintered beads. As Luxor Z sintered beads are made from zirconium oxide instead of aluminium oxide, they have a longer service life. The beads will turn a matt colour after a long period of use. Users know when the beads need to be replaced as white dots appear at the contact points between the beads and the restorations. The reliable colour changes in the beads alert the user that the beads need to be changed.
Luxor FurnaceFRESH
White zirconium oxide works are infiltrated with suitable dyes prior to sintering. These dip paints contain additives that cause long-term damage to furnaces in the event of fire. DCS offers a solution to this problem with Luxor FurnaceFRESH. Users pour the cleaning powder into the sinter bowl. The subsequent cleaning fire will remove contaminants from the device.
Luxor ThermoTRACKER
The Luxor ThermoTRACKER Power Temperature Control Rings (PTCR rings for short) provide the user with information about the actual end temperature in the sintering furnace. The rings that are sintered shrink during the process. The outer diameter is then measured with a digital calliper and compared with the enclosed table, providing users with information about the current sintering temperature.
Spot Clip
When working with a conventional artery clamp, there is always the problem that the holding area is obscured by the clamp’s contact surface. The solution for this problem is: Spot Clip. This clamp only covers a minuscule area of the work. The glaze mass can be applied around the clamp holding point. When the Spot Clip is removed, there are no imperfections in the area where the work was held. The Spot Clip also makes it easier to apply paint. The colours do not fade and there is no need to subsequently apply the colours in the area where the clamp held things in place. This ensures an even glaze is produced. The Spot Clip is available with and without support ring.
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