Distributor Locator

- Diamant Plus sh.p.k.
- Mr. Odise Lino
- Pallati i ivaicionit te vljete Shk 1 AL - Tirana
- 00355-42239984
- info@dent-alb.com
- bredent medical GmbH & Co.KG
- Weissenhorner Str. 2 - 89250 Senden
- +49 (0) 73 09 / 872 - 22
- +49 (0) 73 09 / 872 - 24
- info-medical@bredent.com
- Simbiotech Ltd.
- Mrs. Tatyana Shakina
- Tashkentskij proezd 3-8, BY 220077 Minsk
- 00375173091722
- 00375173091721
- dental@simbiotech.com
- http://www.simbiotech.com/
- bredent (Nederlandstalige service)
- 089/46 88 81
- 089/46 88 14
- belgien@bredent.com
- bredent (Service francophone)
- 089/46 88 80
- 089/46 88 14
- belgien@bredent.com
- Husrefa Redžića 6 - 71 000 Sarajevo
- ( +387) 036 348 000
- info@gema.com.ba
- bredent group Bulgaria
- Mr. Tsvetomir Nikolov
- Osogovo str 86 - Office 501/ BG 1303 Sofia
- +359 877 258759
- svetomir.nikolov@bredentgroup.bg
- bredent d.o.o.
- Mrs. Anica Stumpfl
- Zagrebacka Avenija 3 - HR 10000 Zagreb
- (+385) 1 3834 002
- info@bredent.hr
- http://www.bredent.hr
- Elpana Trading Ltd
- Mr. Constantinos Savva
- Gregori Afxentiou Ave. 6A - 2360 Ayios Dhometios
- 00357 22 449155
- 00357 22 776474
- elpanacy@gmail.com
- http://www.elpana.eu/
Czech Republic
- Krbec Dent S.r.o.
- Mr. Josef Mares
- Únesovská 20 - CZ 32300 Plzeň
- 00420 377 223 380
- 00420 377 328 411
- info@krbec.cz
- http://www.krbec.cz/
- Elström Dental A/S
- Mrs. Kirsten Nielsen
- Susavaenget 3 - DK 6710 Esbjerg
- 0045 075 / 15 00 11
- 0045 075 / 15 68 11
- kn@elstrom.dk
- https://www.elstrom.dk/
- K.A. Rasmussen
- Mrs. Helina Maripuu
- Kadaka tee 36 - EE 10621 Tallinn
- (+372) 699 7161
- (+372) 699 7162
- helina@rasmussen.ee
- https://www.rasmussen.ee/
- Plandent Oy
- Asentajankatu 6 - FI 00880 Helsinki
- 020 7795 200
- myynti@plandent.com
- https://www.plandent.com/
- bredent France
- 0800 90 48 57
- +49 7309 872 455
- france@bredent.com
- 31 Avenue de la Savoie, 13180 Gignac-la-Nerthe
- 04 42 41 09 08
- 04 42 07 46 27
- massiliadental@orange.fr
- https://www.massiliadental.fr/
Great Britain
- bredent UK Ltd.
- Mr. Stephen Denman
- service@bredent.co.uk
Tapton Innovation Centre Brimington Road Unit 17
GB - S41 0TZ Chesterfield - 01246 559 599
- https://www.bredent.co.uk/
- Fidippidou Str 43 - GR 115 27 Athens
- +30-210-7489 031
- +30-210-7489 032
- info@faratzi.gr
- www.faratzi.gr
- Thetis Kft
- Mr. Norbert Bolya
- Löpormalom u. 9/b - HU 1031 Budapest
- 0036 30 94 41 441
- bolya@dentaldiszkont.hu
- Happy Dent Trade Ltd.
- Mr. Arpad Molnar
- Tétényi Road 107 - HU 1119 Budapest
- 01-4810400
- 01-4810401
- trade@happydent.hu
- P és P Kereskedöház Kft.
- Radnóti M. u. 7. HU 9171 Györújfalu
- gunazereszter@gmail.com
- Lukas D. Karlsson
- Mr. Karl Udo Lukas
- Sidumùli 27A, Box 8475 - 128 Reykjavik
- 581 3485
- 568 8544
- lukas@lukas.is
- Ardagh Supply Co.Ltd.
- Mr. John McEvoy - Mr. Mark Hennessey
- East Wall Road - IE Dublin 3
- 01/855 1600
- 01/836 3991
- johng@ardaghdental.ie
- http://www.dentalsupplies.ie/
- Vilniaus medicinos servisas
- Mr. Darius Valentukevicius
- Mindaugo 23-116 - LT 03214 Vilnius
- 0037052339691
- darius@vilmedservis.lt
- https://www.vilmedservis.lt/
- Torris Med S.R.L
- Mr. Dumitru Ciobanu
- Mihail Sadoveanu 10/2 – MD 2044 Chisinau
- +373 60424400
- office@torrismed.md
- http://bredent-medical.md/
- bredent GmbH & Co. KG
- Weissenhorner Str. 2 - 89250 Senden
- +49 (0) 73 09 / 872 - 22
- +49 (0) 73 09 / 872 - 24
- info@bredent.com
Northern Macedonia
- Naturalija
- Mr. Vlado Gileve
- Street lindenska 43/6 - MK 1000 Skopje
- 02-3132006
- 02-3237350
- vlado.gilev@naturalija.com.mk
- Jacobsen Dental AS
- Guldhaug Hasse
- Alfaset 1 Industtievei 4 - 0668 Oslo
- 0047 22 79 20 20
- 0047 22 79 20 21
- hasse@jacobsen-dental.no
- https://www.jacobsen-dental.no/
- bredent Polska
- Mr. Dariusz Stefaniak
- Os.Rusa 54 Nr. 11 - PL 61 245 Poznan
- +48 61 874 02 39
- +48 61 874 02 56
- d.stefaniak@bredent.pl
- http://bredent.pl/
- APEX - Material e Equipamento médico LDA
- Mr. Antonio Ribeiro
- Rua Aval de Cima 79 / PT 4200-107 Porto
- 225573320
- 225573329
- ant.ribeiro@apex.pt
- https://www.apex.pt/
- SC bredent Tim S.r.l.
- Mr. Daniel Girleanu
- Iancu Brezeanu Str. 16 - RO 300353 Timisoara
- 0256-472641
- 0256-472641
- daniel.girleanu@bredent-tim.ro
- www.bredent-tim.ro
- Aladent Ltd.
- Mrs. Tatyana Guseva
- Vasiliya Petushkova Str. 3-1 Office 330 - RU 125476 Moscow
- (495) 585-51-10
- office@aladent.ru
- https://aladent.ru/
- bredent d.o.o.
- Mrs. Dr. Igda Markov
- Dubljanska 25 - RS 11000 Belgrad
- +381 11 2430 295
- www.bredent.rs/kontakt/
- Abd Dent S.r.o.
- Mr. Ivo Košecký
- Nekrasovová 10 - 81104 Bratislava
- 00421 903 277944
- info@abddent.sk
- https://www.abddent.sk/
- Jemident s.r.o.
- Mr. Igor Vancisin
- Strocin 44 - SK 08901 Svidnik
- jemident@jemident.sk
- bredent d.o.o.
- Mrs. Anica Stumpfl
- Topniska 29a - SI 1000 Ljubljana
- +386 1 43 66 156
- +386 1 43 66158
- http://www.bredent.si/
- Dental Everest, S. L.
- Mr. Francisco Palomino
- Camino de Hormigueras 175 nave 2 - ES 28031 Madrid
- 91 757 00 47
- 91 500 80 49
- info@dentaleverest.es
- www.dentaleverest.es
Sweden (Malmö)
- Forstec Dental AB
- Mr. Mats Olsson
- Box 288 - 201 22 Malmö Sverig
- +46 40-755 45
- +46 40-611 38 70
- mats.olsson@forstec.se
- https://forstec.se/
Sweden (Enköping)
- Lifco Dental AB
- Hildur Kauppinen
- Vermästaregatan 1 - SE 74585 Enköping
- +46 171 478 477
- hildur.kauppinen@lifcodental.se
Switzerland (Kriens)
- Curaden AG - Dental Depot
- Mrs. Michaela Fuchs
- Riedstrasse 12 - 8953 Dietikon
- +41 (0)44 735 60 70
- labor@curaden.ch
Ukraine (Lviv)
- Usmishka Plus
- Mr. Yarema Dereyko
- vul. Vygovskogo 20b office 1 - UA 79022 Lviv
- +380968583050
- +380322419410
- smile@mail.lviv.ua
- www.esmile.com.ua
Ukraine (Lviv)
- Premier - Dental Ltd.
- Mr. Taras Kostereva
- Nizhynska St. 10 - UA 79010 Lviv
- +38 032 259 04 44
- roman.yupyn@dental.net.ua
- https://www.premier-dental.com.ua/
Ukraine (Kiev)
- UKR-Medmarket
- Ms. Vaisburd Valentina
- Prospekt Pobedy 9/47 - UA 01135 Kiev
- +380504280493
- m14.v.vaysburd@kmm.com.ua
- director@kmm.com.ua
- https://www.kmm.com.ua/
- Far East
- Mr. Magdy El Desouky
- Eltawfik building, 144 kheder Eltouny st. - EG Nasr city Cairo
- (+2 )02 22617892 / (+2 )02 22617894
- (+2 )02 24033930
- feitmagdy@gmail.com
- Dentmed Ltd
- Dr. Divyesh Shah
- Darshan towers - Woodvale Grove - Westlands, P.O. Box 43873 - 00100 Nairobi
- info@dentmedkenya.com
- http://www.dentmedkenya.com/
- Oujdadental
- Mr. M. Mohamed Zerguit
- Abou Bakr El Kadiri No. 128 - MA 55001 Oujda
- 00212 534 869 042 / 00212 666 123 312
- oujdadental2@yahoo.de
South Africa
- Deon De Lange Dental
- Mr. Deon De Lange
- 269 Main Road - 7646 Esterville, Paarl
- deonfdelange@gmail.com
- https://www.ddldental.co.za/
- Promosciences
- Hamida Jlassi
- Z.I. Charguia, Rue No. 7 - 2035 Tunis, Carthage
- 71 782 500
- 71 782 018
- promosciences@planet.tn
- http://www.promosciences.com.tn/
- Individual Businessman
- Mr. Sargis Karapetyan
- St. Nansen 15/1, 52 - AM 375056 Yerevan
- +37491203412
- skamed@inbox.ru
- Pasha-K
- Mr. Niko Guliyev
- F.X. Khoyski 138/1 - AZ AZ1052 Baku
- (99412) 571 19 51
- nikoguliyev.ng@gmail.com
- http://www.pasha-k.az/
China (Beijing)
- Beijing Shunrui Technology
- Mr. Alex Liu, Haijun
- 28 Yuhuaroad, Shunyi District - CN 101300 Beijing
- alex@bredent.cn
- Bei Jing Jia He Le Da Import and Export Co. Ltd.
- Mrs. Liu Jia
- Chao Yang Road No. 3 Armor - CN 100025 Beiijing, Chao Yang Dist
- 86-10-84786196
- 86-10-51315683
- Liu.Jia@bredent.asia
China (Sichuan)
- Tej-Jel Dental Products Co. Ltd
- Mr. Daniel Wang
- 11F-1, No.51 Qinglong str - CN 610013 Chengdu City
- 86-28-86081659 66280666
- 86-28-86255473
- danielwang@teijel.com
China (Guangzhou)
- Guangzhou Champion Dental Supply
- Ms. Connie Zhang
- Room 2602 YanQiao Building 89 YanLing Road, Tianhe Distr. - CN Guangzhou 510507
- 02062217966
- gzqianhui1998@hotmail.com
- Elkadent
- Mr. Dimitri Tomaradze
- Berbuki street 10 - GE 0171 Tbilisi
- +995599576330
- info@elkadent.ge
- Bredent group India Pvt.Ltd
- Mr. Vaidya Vikram
- S. No. 29/3/1, Plot 12, Kharadi, Near Atur Rubber Factory, Pune - 411014. Maharashtra.
- 08390813813/08390545813
- info@bredentgroup.in
- vikram.vaidya@bredentgroup.in
- http://www.bredentgroup.in/
- PT. Fondaco Jayatama Pusat Niaqa Roxy
- Ms. Catherina Gunawan
- MAS Bloc C4 no 1-2 JL K.H. Hasyim Ashari / Jakarta 10150 Indonesia
- +62-21-2903-4388
- +62-21-2903-4391
- catherina@fondaco.co.id
- Adacrad Co.
- Mrs. Mercede Naderi
- No. 19, 3rd. Narenjestan St., Pasdaran Ave. - IR 1957915714 Tehran
- 0098 2122802348
- 0098 2122294408
- mercede.naderi@hoodian.com
- Dental Center
- Mr. Udi Igra - Mrs. Roni Igra
- 37 Yitzhak Sadeh St, 2 Tversky St - IL Tel Aviv 61573
- 3/5626999
- 3/5621551
- info@dentalcenter-er.com
- Japan Dental Supply Corp.
- Mr. Hito Ohnari - Mr. Hiro Kinoshita
- Ishiwara, Sumida-Ku 1-19-5/JP 130-0011Tokyo
- 03/3625-3111
- 03/3625-1110
- h.ohnari@dentalsupply.co.jp
- Hazem Salameh & Partner Co.
- Mr. Hazem Salameh
- 3rd floor, Building no.10 - Princess Sumayya Bint El Hassan Street opp. to Safeway Shopping Center - JO 11814 Amman
- 962. 6. 582.1106
- 962. 6. 582.1108
- hazem.salameh@brightstarjo.com
- Almagest Business
- Mrs. Olga Terekhova
- Kabanbai Batur Str.152 - KZ 050012 Almaty
- + 7 (727) 292-20-75
- + 7 (727) 222-12-08
- almagest1@mail.ru
- Intermedservice
- Mrs. Lida Zhanova
- Abikahair-hana 29 B - KZ 030000 Aktobe
- +7 7132 544419
- info@ims.kz
- Luch Ltd.
- Mrs. Olga Taradina
- Satpaev street 50 - KZ 050057 Almaty
- o.taradina@luch.asia
- i.nikulin@luch.asia
- https://www.luch.asia/
- LLP Astra dent
- Mr. Oleg Shevzov
- Abay av. 58a - KZ 050008 Almaty
- oleg_21.05@mail.ru
- Al-Sayafe Med.&Pharm.Sup.Com.WLL
- Dr. Rawan Homsi
- Block 2, Building # 98 Fourth Floor, 73 Street no. / KW Bneid Al-Qar
- alsayafe@alsayafemedical.com
- Dent Trade Ltd.
- Mrs. Carina Larina
- Moscovskaya street 197 - KG Biskek
- 00996-312/659946
- ojerelev22@mail.ru
- Prodent SAL
- Mr. Antoine Baraka
- 454 bldg , 10th street Bsalim, Metn - Lebanon / P.O. Box: 165 884, Beirut
- 00961 (4) 71 52 52
- info@prodent-me.com
- http://www.prodent-me.com/
- AR Dental Supplies SDN.BHD.
- Mrs. Carey Chua
- 28, Jalan Kartunis U1/47, Temasya Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
- 03-55670606/0808
- 03-55670909
- purchase@ardental.com.my
- NTC Dental Suppliers Sdn Bhd
- Mr. Danny Lau
- No. 29, Jalan Prima 7 - 52100 Kuala Lumpur
- +603-62506241/+603-62502240
- ntcdent@gmail.com
- Su Shwe Nadi Trading Company Limited
- Thet Su Hlaing
- No-3, 56th Street, 7-Ward, Hlaing Township, Yangon, MYANMAR Postal Code - 11051
- + 95 1 535576
- + 95 1 535576
- HlaingThetSu2012@gmail.com
- bredent Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
- Mr. Manish Shrestha
- Jawlakhel-13, Lalitpur, Bagmati Kathmandu-Nepal
- +977 1 5550383/ +977 9851056230
- manish@bredentnepal.com
- Bluedent
- Mr. Alae Naif
- Almanal Center, PO Box 1910, Al Othaiba P.C. 130 - OM Al Khuwair
- 00968-24486345
- 00968-24486373
- bluedent99@yahoo.com
- Masar Medical Pharmaceuticals
- Mrs. Debie Ann Wong
- Bldg. No. 14, Barwa Village, Shop No. 33 - QA Wakrah
- 00974 4016-0555 / 00974 4436 – 4371
- 00974 4436– 1165
- debie@masarqatar.com.qa
Saudi Arabia
- Masar Medical Medical Co.
- Mr. Anthony Soriao
- Al Murabba, 4th. Floor, Somatco Bldg., Dabab St., Jalawi St. 6619 - SA 12626 Riyadh
- 00966-12930598
- 00966-12790933
- anthony@masarmedical.net
- MediDent International
- Ms. Corene Tan
- 21 Ubi Road 1 #05-02B Singapore 408724
- +65 9118 4766
- +65 68334351
- corene.tan@medident.com.sg
- Standart Dental Co.Pte.Ltd.
- Mr. Lawrence Liew
- 35, Selegie Road - SG 188307, Singapore
- stdental@singnet.com.sg
South Korea
- Seichong Trading Company
- Mrs. Jihae Lee
- R104, Center M, 33 Sagimakgol-ro 62beon-gil, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, 13211 Gyeonggi-do
- +82 31-733-9336
- +82 31 733-9338
- seichong.lee@gmail.com
- http://www.seichong.com/
- Healthy Medical & Textile Co., Ltd.
- Mrs. Claire Chang
- 13F, 111-8, Shin-Te Rd. Sanchong District - 241 New Taipei City
- 886-2-8512-4155 Ext. 102
- 886-2-8512-4493
- claire@healthydental.com.tw
- Dental Vision Company Ltd.
- Mr. Chaiput Thongpunchung
- 42 Soi Hussadisevee - TH 10320 Bangkok
- 02/6934061
- 02/6934065
- purchase@dentalvision.co.th
- http://www.dentalvision.co.th/
- İdealdent Sağlık Ürünleri Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
- Mrs. Hülya Kazak
- Barbaros Mahallesi Dereboyu Caddesi Ardıç Sokak Varyap - Meridian Sitesi G1 Blok Da: 22-24 / TR34746 Ataşehir - İstanbul
- +90 216 337 13 36
- +90 216 337 25 44
- bilgi@idealdent.net
- https://www.idealdent.net/
United Arab Emirates
- Al Hayat Pharmaceuticals
- Mr. Mueen Abu Eida
- P.O. Box 4483 - Al Shamsi Bldg. No. 1 - Al Wahda Street - AE Sharjah
- 06-5592481
- 06-5593573
- mueen.abueida@alhayatuae.com
- Sarus Business Service LLC
- Mr. Aleksandr Koval
- Nukus 89 - UZ 100015 Tashkent
- +(998 71) 2814170
- +(998 71) 150-26-90
- kovalalexandr@gmail.com
- https://sarus.uz/en/
- VIET CAN Service & Trading Joint Stock Company
- 5th floor, 781 C1 Le Hong Phong St., Dist.10, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam
- +84 28 6290 8200
- +84 28 6290 8230
- info@vietcan.com
- https://vietcan.com/
- Alphabond Dental
- Mr. Stanley Dyne
- Unite 40 / 28 Barcoo Street Roseville, NSW 2069
- +61 2 9417 6660
- +61 2 9417 3001
- Stan@alphabond.com.au
- http://www.alphabond.com.au/
- Impulsedent Australia
- Mr. Reto Herzog - Mrs. Kathleen Herzog
- 50 Natalie Road - AU Buccan QLD 4207
- 07 3200 4750
- 07 3200 4752
- contact@impulsedent.com.au
- http://www.impulsedent.com.au/
North America
- Central Dental Ltd.
- Mrs. Hailey Smith
- Unit 3 Ave. Pharmacy 3420 - CA Scarborough, Ontario M1W 2P7
- 1-800-268-4442
- 647-448-4245
- hailey.smith@centraldentalltd.com
- https://www.dent-line.com/
- Xpdent Corp.
- Mrs. Carmen Perez
- 12145 SW 131st Avenue - US Miami, Florida 33186
- 800-328 3965
- (305) 233 2002
- cperez@xpdent.com
- http://www.xpdent.com/
Central and South America
- M-Dent LTDA.
- Mrs. Carolina Aguilera
- Exequiel Fernandez 2841 CL Macul, Providencia- Santiago
- 0056 2795 8900
- 0056 2795 8901
- dgonzales@mdent.cl
- https://mdent.cl/tienda/
- Biodentales de Colombia Ltda.
- Cra. 7A no. 122-08 / 110111 Bogotá
- Francisco Forero
- fforero@biodentales.com.co
- Sandra Forero
- sforero@biodentales.com.co
- https://www.biodentales.com/
- Precilab SA de CV
- Mr. Eduardo Diaz Ruiz
- Alfonso XIII - 176 Col. / MX 03510 Alc. Benito Juarez
- 0052 555 355 0113
- eduardo.diaz@precilab.mx
- Dent Import S. A.
- Mr. Johnny Alcantara
- Jr. Teodoro Cárdenas 163 Of. 1 - PE Lima
- 01/265 13 00
- 01/265 07 59
- info@dent-import.com
- Urudent
- Mrs Patricia Chiessa - Mrs. Rosario Fossati
- Ejido 1415-4* piso - UY Montevideo
- 00598 9911 5600
- 00598 2901 3824
- urudent@hotmail.com