breCAM.BioHPP gingiva


bredent continues to develop BioHPP – material and product enhancements for greater process reliability in dental laboratories

  • bredent is setting new standards for the established material BioHPP (PEEK-based high-performance plastic): BioHPP granulate and pellets with optimised material properties are available on the market for the bredent for2press system. Experts in the field have also further developed the milling blanks (breCAM.BioHPP) for digital use. 
  • breCAM.BioHPP milling blanks are now also available on the dental market in a “gum-coloured” look – in gingiva-shade. This colour variant is especially suitable for secondary frameworks with transpalatal arches and is now also compatible with digital processing.

The BioHPP granulate and pellets are available on the market with optimised material properties for the bredent for2press system. Designed for digital processing, the milling blanks (breCAM.BioHPP) have also been enhanced to a new standard. Thanks to the valuable experience gained from users, the visio.lign system and BioHPP are now perfectly matched. The modulus of elasticity has been adapted in the same way as visio.lign (>4,600 Mpa) to ensure greater patient safety and optimum user-friendliness. Furthermore, an adhesive bond >20 MPa is achieved for the combo.lign fastening composite as indicated in EN ISO 10477. BioHPP is a physiological, biocompatible high-performance plastic with the optimal balance between elasticity and rigidity, weight and fracture resistance, as well as physiology and plaque neutrality. It is suitable for crown caps and veneer bridge frameworks for composite veneers and telescopic primary and tertiary structures.


From now on, PEEK-based restorations can also be manufactured using digital processing thanks to the new, gum-coloured breCAM.BioHPP gingiva-shade milling blanks. Dental technicians save time and obtain optimum process reliability as a result of the standardised manufacturing processes in the digital realm. This gum-coloured appearance makes this product ideal for secondary frameworks with a transpalatal arch with the colour creating a natural look. Moreover, dental technicians save time during production since there is no need to apply opaquer.  

BioHPP info box: BioHPP is ideal for restorations on implants. The elastic modulus range of more than 4,600 MPa is very similar to that of bone. It thus reduces possible tensions and can gently transfer high chewing forces to implant-supported dentures. BioHPP has a shock-dampening effect, absorbs chewing forces and minimises the risk of chipping.  Moreover, the material relieves stresses in larger bridge structures. It is also highly biocompatible and, thanks to its lack of metals and monomers, is eminently suitable for allergy sufferers.

Image1: Frame made of breCAM.BioHPP gingiva shade, teeth made of Luxor Z True Nature and gingiva made of crea.lign GUM

Image2: Secondary construction made of breCAM.BioHPP gingiva-shade

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